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ReGenesis: Season 3

Episode 5 "God Of Commerce" (2007)

Jeff played Milo, a bike Couirer, He's a love interest to Mayko Tran.


They set up a date to go bike riding. While riding bikes Mayko falls off her bike because of her Phantom limb pain. She has a prosthetic limb which Milo had no Idea about it. He tries to help her out.


The team traces the Sinatra virus to an organ donor in the Philippines; David blames himself for allowing Owen to try experimental gene therapy to cure his drug addiction

Episode 6 "Phantoms" (2007)

Jeff played Milo, a bike Couirer, and love interest to Mayko.


Mayko dealing with her Phantom limb that she lost in an explosion. She gets these pains and is looking for alternative therapy to deal with it. 


NorBAC continues to investigate outbursts in San Fransisco, Boston and Tampa, but stumbles upon a possible mercury poisoning in Washington state.

ReGenesis: Season 4

Episode 6 "Race Fever" (2008)

Jeff played Milo, a bike Couirer, Milo is in a Cyclist Race.


NorBAC investigates a mysterious outbreak among cyclists competing in the Tour Cyclo Quebec. Milo Is back and ready to rekindle a relationship or one night stand with Mayko.


NorBAC try everything to stop the Tour Cyclo but fail, sending the cyclists back on the race. Milo falls ill, and Mayko is by his side. 

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